Friday, September 6, 2019

This a short story about faith

I had given a card reading to a woman named Jessa on a beach house in Roxas City, Philippines, and because of that she made an appointment with me for a private healing session. At the time I was living in Roxas City while Jessa lived in Iloilo City, Philippines, which is about three hour drive. She asked me if she could bring a friend with her, I said “of course you can”.

A week later Jessa pulled up into the drive way and I saw from window that she looked tired from the long drive. After readying herself she came up to the door and rang the doorbell and I invited her inside. As she entered into the house; Jessa looked at me and smiled and stated “we made it”. I ask her where her friend Chrissy was at and all of a sudden she opened the door and came in smiling and yelling, “thank you God, thank you God”. I was really surprised at the woman yelling, and then I really took a good look at her and saw a light around her resembling an aura that glowing a beautiful golden, white color. Chrissy stated “I am healed, I am healed, praise God, praise God, thank you God I am healed.” Chrissy informed me that she was praying to God all week for her healing and I was her point of contact for her blessing. She was not thanking me for the healing she was looking at God for her healing blessing. And yes as soon Chrissy came through my doors of my house she received her healing blessing from God. This is my first time that I witnessed this kind of faith here in the Philippines.

Jessa looked at Chrissy and said “Are you really healed, you have no more pain?” All Chrissy could say “praise god, praise god”. I informed them it is our Heavenly Father that channels his healing energy through you. I am only a channel for God to flow his perfect work through me.

Jessa who brought girlfriend to see me for a healing was upset with me because her friend was healed and not her. At the end of her healing session, Jessa still had health issues but she received healing on some level, but not the healing that she desired. The reason she was looking at me for her healing instead looking at God for her healing blessing to take place. She was completely upset, and I tried to explain to her I have no power on who will be healed. I am just a channel for God’s Healing Energy to flow through me. Afterwards I finishing up and I blessed them and thanked them for coming.  I AM Maurice Ramsey Minister of the Light

Thursday, August 8, 2019

7-8-19 Mary Magdalene’s Message

7-8-19 Mary Magdalene’s Message

Greetings Dear One, yes it is I Mary Magdalene. Yeshua is here as well. We say to you Dear Ones that the energy that is on the planet is quite intense at this time, and the transformation of the earth is shifting most rapidly. For those who live in the United States of America, and who live in the State of California, the intensity of the seismic activity, of the earthquakes, are a prelude to what is forthcoming. There is more intensity of energy that is building upon the planet, and as Mother Earth begins her own resurrection and as she begins to shift into a higher frequency, her energies are now beginning to rumble and her energies are now becoming more intensified. So we say to you Dear Ones that you may begin to feel this energy inside of you, of intensity that your own transformational process and your own resurrection is near, for there will be many who will make their ascension through physical death and there will be many who will now begin to resurrect and shift their energies into a higher frequency while remaining within the body. So the energies of the earth, is now affecting so many of the souls here on the planet, for all is in alignment, for the ascension and resurrection of your current civilization to move into the fifth dimensional frequency at a collective level. So therefore, know Dear Ones that what you are sensing or what you are feeling is simply a letting go of the old and a making way for the new. And allowing your own resurrection process to move forward.
I ask you at this time to take a deep inhaling breath, and simply begin to breathe in the energy of the white light of God, simply begin to breathe in the energy of the white light of God. And call in the beautiful flame, the sixth ray of the resurrection flame, of the seven sacred flames. Simply know at this time as you call in this energy, begin to breathe this energy into your heart, feeling the energy of the resurrection flame as it now begins to stir within you. So Dear Ones we ask you to breathe in the energy of the resurrection flame to begin to ignite within your own soul and within your physicality the transmuting of the energy of a lower vibrational frequency that each of you are now holding and carrying as you begin to shift into a higher frequency of divine love, mercy and peace. As you begin to allow your body to begin to shift and transmute, and to release all of the density that no longer serves you, including any mental beliefs, any emotional patterns, any outdated vows or imprints of energies that are held within your own Akashic records, and through this energy we ask you to now begin to transmute and allow your own frequency to be resurrected, into the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth and into the eleventh and twelfth dimensional frequencies, as you begin to transmute and move through your earthly plane of existence, simply allowing yourself to rise above the mundane. Letting go and letting God.
We ask you to breathe in this beautiful flame, of the resurrection flame. Begin to feel your body begin to vibrate, as you begin to resonate with this powerful flame, for this flame has a vibration of its own, it has a powerful frequency of tremendous strength and power. Just as Yeshua my beloved used this flame to resurrect his physical body after the crucifixion, we ask you now to call in this flame to resurrect your life, your mental, your emotional, your etheric and your physical bodies, and all of your subtle light bodies, so that your own etheric blueprint and your own auric field are now glistening with this beautiful flame. As you begin to breathe this frequency into your heart, know that the light of God surrounds you, the power of God protects you, the presence of God watches over you wherever you are God is and all is well. So breathe in this energy and begin to allow these frequencies once again to clear all that no longer serves you. For the flame is transmuting lower vibrational frequencies. This is the energy that Mother Earth is now moving through. This is the energy that Mother Earth is now shifting her vibration and clearing lower frequencies on the surface of her back. And as each soul aligns themselves with the energy of Mother Earth there will be peace, there will be harmony, there will be balance. Those who are in a discordant state of energy or in a distressed state, that are not in a peaceful state, will begin to feel the effects within their own soul. And on the surface of the back of this planet, as she clears these lower frequencies from her own embodiment as Mother Gaia.
So today as you call in this flame of resurrection and you align yourself to the energy of Mother Earth, as you rise into the fifth dimensional frequency and beyond with Mother Earth, Mother Gaia, you will begin to feel this sense of lightness and peace and transformational love that is felt within your heart. As if all is well and all is in order. That regardless of what is happening around you, you are now centered in peace and tranquility, and at the center of your core there is love, there is peace, there is light, there is hope, there is renewal. May you be at peace. Know at this time as you begin to feel this shift of energy within you, may you call upon the essence of your divine self and allow yourself to now resurrect and merge into your divine self, into your I AM Presence, into the energy of the Christ Consciousness. You are ascending from your lower frequencies into the I AM Presence, into the Christ Consciousness. The energy upon the planet is now conducive and supporting all souls to shift in consciousness. Regardless of what you understand, regardless of what you may feel, your own energies are ascending into this higher frequency of love.
For the rest of this year of 2020, there will be many changes not only physically on the earth, but there will be many changes occurring for this planet. More and more people will begin to awaken to returning to a conscious state of honoring the earth, and honoring their own physicality. People will begin to awaken to the realization that we truly are one, and what we do affects another. Collectively as a civilization we affect the energy of our planet, our Mother Gaia. Our collective consciousness is affecting the earth, the collective consciousness is changing the trajectory of the future of the planet, and until each person can return to oneness and peace within their hearts, and resurrect and ascend into the fifth dimensional frequency, then there will continue to be earth changes, there will continue to be a state of imbalance that is felt upon the earthplane. It is not to cause fear or confusion, or even to bring a sense of discouragement, it is simply for you to be aware, so that you can be responsible for your own actions, thoughts, words and deeds, and be sovereign over your own self. So today the resurrection flame is here for you to use to resurrect your life, so that you may move forward into the pathway that you so desire, being at peace, living in harmony, living in balance, allowing this energy to come into your mind, body and spirit.
So today as the resurrection flame is transmuting this frequency, my beloved Yeshua is standing with you, and he is helping you to resurrect your energy, just as he did his own after the crucifixion, so that he could return back to perfect health, and return to a perfect state of being in his physical form. He is gifting you this gift today as he is holding the energy for beloved Mother Gaia as she resurrects her energy to emerge in her perfected state, and return back to peace and glory once again. So Dear Ones know, to remain in a place of peace within your heart at all times. To stay centered and present, and to begin to listen to the still, quiet voice from within. The voice that will guide you and assist you through your ascension process with this resurrection, for a part of this energy is awakening not only your kundalini, but it is awakening your own psychic senses, awakening your ability to tap into your own truth, and tap into your own divinity. Living from a place of centeredness and living from a place of tapping into your own innate wisdom. So the energy of the resurrection flame is helping each of you to move into mastery, to master your emotions, to master your mental beliefs, your thoughts, and to be able to master your physical body so that it may return back to balance. So today as you feel this energy shifting through you like blood running through your veins, the resurrection flame is now running through you, and you may feel this sense of tranquility upon your soul.
This is the time, this is the now, this is the moment that all of you have been waiting for. You’ve been waiting for this energy now to come to a pinnacle. The energy is more accessible for all humans to resurrect and to ascend into the Christ Consciousness, into the I AM presence. And to return to oneness, to all that is. At the time of your inception, as you entered into this planet, when you entered in with your full awareness, you will return now to the state of full awareness which will allow you to have access to information, to energy, to frequencies, what you may call extraordinary or supernatural, for truly they are your divine birthright. It is just that you have forgotten how to remain in this ascended state. So today Yeshua brings forth the energy of the resurrection flame, as if you are being ignited. You are being flamed, like setting a match on fire, you are being ignited. So today as you feel this energy moving through you, may your heart open to this energy of grace, peace and tranquility upon your soul. May you feel that the light of God truly embodies you. You will begin to see and feel and sense your own inner truth and strength. So once again allow the resurrection flame to enter into your being.
So Dear Ones as you feel this sense of calm coming over you, a healing balm placed over you, you are able to shift out of the lower frequencies of your limited self into your immoral self. Tapping into your higher self with greater ease. During our lifetime 2,000 years ago, Yeshua and I would sit quietly to merge our energies and resurrect our energies so that we could bring forth this ascension. Hour upon hour, day upon day, week upon week. Today we gift you with this frequency, for the energy is much easier for you to access than in our time. So regardless of what you understand, each of you are shifting in consciousness at a very rapid rate. All is in order and all is as it should be. Those around you will begin to feel the shift within you, those around you will begin to feel the peace, those around you will begin to feel the calm, those around you will begin to feel the serenity. So know that what you bring forward is affecting another, and help assist the planet and each of you are powerful vortices, and you are connected to the earth through the ley lines and the grid lines of your location. So today, we anchor you into the planetary grid, and we anchor you into your individual grids, and we anchor you into your regional grids. So you hold the light and the peace, bringing forth this resurrection onto the earth, and assisting Mother Earth in her own ascension. As light workers you are plugged in and anchored into the earth, helping Mother Earth to stabilize her energies and to ascend in consciousness, just as you are being assisted by Mother Earth through these planetary grids to shift your own energies and to stabilize your frequencies.
Your energies are felt by the collective, the peace that you bring forth, the power that you bring forth, the serenity that you bring forth is felt by the collective. This is how the collective will change, like the 100 monkey syndrome, your energy affects another, and collectively this energy, as all of you are plugged in to the planetary grid, begin to see the change upon the world. So many will begin to shift from the lower consciousness into higher frequencies and ascend into the light of their I AM presence. Just as you are doing today, just as you are receiving today. You are here helping others to do the same. So know at this time that you are holding the energy for divine love to be felt upon this planet. So as you call forth this beautiful prayer for divine love to enter into your being, may you receive.
So today as you allow this energy of the resurrection flame and the energy of Divine Love, pure love, to enter into your being, may you feel this sense of tranquility upon your soul, and know that the beautiful energy of the resurrection flame is now igniting divine love through you, and on the planet, and all shall return to this state of glory, and the earth will return back to its divine perfection. Your current civilization will return to peace and love within their hearts. All of life will resonate to this vibration of the divinity of God’s love and light. So Dear Ones receive this gift of the resurrection flame upon your soul upon this day, know that you are a blessed being of light who has chosen to be here at this time, to use your energy at this time to assist and to be assisted. So truly know Dearest Ones that we stand with you, we stand beside you, and that my beloved Yeshua is here bringing forth the resurrection flame into your physicality, into your energetic field, and into all aspects of your being, just as he did for himself he is doing for you. You will see and feel a shift in your energy, this is the gift for your devotion, and it is time for all souls on this planet to return to peace.
Thank you for your time, thank you for your attention, thank you for the beloved light that you hold, and so know at this time that you are the way, the light and the truth, and that all that you bring forward is indeed filled with peace. All is received with love.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

The Resurrection Flame

The Resurrection Flame channel by Lea Chapin

I AM the Resurrection and the life of my eternal freedom and the life
I AM the Resurrection and the life of my physical bodies perfect blueprint
I AM the Resurrection and the life of my emotional bodies perfect blueprint
I AM the Resurrection and the life of my mental bodies perfect blueprint
I AM the Resurrection of the life of my etheric bodies perfect blueprint
I AM the Resurrection the life of my spiritual bodies perfect blueprint
I AM the Resurrection and the life of the ascended masters purity in love
I AM the Resurrection and the life of the healing powers of the sacred Flames
I AM the Resurrection and the life of my immortal perfection and Illumine loved of the Cosmic Christ
I AM the Resurrection in the life of the powers of the Sacred Fire within me restoring all the wondrous gifts of my divine essence.
I AM that I AM I AM that I AM I AM that I AM

Greetings Dear Daughters of Light it is I Christ I come here with my beloved Mother Mary and I come here with my Beloved Twin Flame Mary Magdalene, as you call in the energy of the Flame of Resurrection I ask that you begin to hold this frequency within your being to breathe in this frequency of the Flame of the Eternal Flame of the Elixir of Life and begin to breathe it into every cell atom electron and every fiber and pore of your being.  I say to you dearest children again as you invoke the Flame of Resurrection begin to breathe this energy within you as my Mother and my Mary stand with you so that you now began to receive;

I AM the Resurrection and the Life of my Eternal Freedom in the Light, breathe this in, breathe this in, breathe this in.
I AM the Resurrection and the life of my physical body's perfect blueprint, breathe this in, breathe this in breathe.
I AM the Resurrection and the life of my Emotional bodies perfect blueprint, breathe this in breathe this in, breathe this in.
I AM the Resurrection the life of my mental bodies perfect blueprint breathe this in breathe this in breathe this in
I AM the Resurrection and the life of my etheric bodies perfect blueprint breathe this in breathe this in breathe this in.
I AM the Resurrection the life of my spiritual bodies perfect blueprint breathe this in breathe this in breathe this in
I AM the Resurrection the life of the ascended masters purity in love, breathe this in, breathe this in, breathe this in.
I AM the Resurrection the life of the healing powers of the Sacred Flames, breathe this in, breathe this in, breathe this in.
I AM the Resurrection the life of my immortal perfection and Illumine Love of the Cosmic Christ, breathe this in, breathe this in, breathe this in.
I AM the Resurrection the life of the powers of the sacred fire within me restoring all the wondrous gifts of my divine essence breathe this in, breathe this in, breathe this in.

Dears children of the Light you have call and I have come it is I Christ, I ask each of you to hold this frequency in this vibration of the Flame of Resurrection within your being.  Holding the Light, holding the Love, holding the frequency, you could call in this power within the essence that you will be may you feel the Freedom and you feel the Love, may you feel the Joy. 

I come to each of you now so that you may begin to resurrect your life both your physical body your spiritual body so that you may begin to resurrect the passion that lives deep inside of each of you for each of you have come forth with your beautiful spirit with a great igniting of passionate hope and desire to be of selfless service and to assist this planet and all of humanity with Cosmic Love and Grace and throughout your incarnations of time. 

Dearest Ones many of you become weary, weary of the struggles the stresses of life and so I call forth this energy of the Resurrection Flame for each of you so that you need become in Illumined restored and restored the Passion of the Flame and the fire of life that lives inside of you the fire of life or you see the young children who come into the world with all of the energy all of the love bringing their energy onto the planet we asked you to become like little children again to be Illumined with the excitement and the passion of life and so coal in the Flame of Resurrection call in your I AM Presence, filling every cell of your fiber of a poor of your beam with the Love. 

And so dears children with your hearts open and allow the quickening of the vibrations of the Light within yourselves and within the cells of your body, begin to eliminate.  So dears children open your heart to this energy of freedom as you understand the power or your see your I AM Presence is simply bursting with joy with the desire to be activated and restored within you and in truth dearest one there is nothing that you cannot achieve that you cannot acquire when you see you're able to resurrect and use this Flame of Resurrection to resurrect all that is held within your Soul's journey so dearest when I come today in the beginning of your new year of 2019 for us we have spoke before this is a year of the finding the voice for you to find your voice to feel your passion to begin anew for all of you are needed to hear upon this planet and so we say to you dearest children of the light accept this gift of the Resurrection Flame the internal Flame of light can you feel this energy now that is now beginning to expand within you can you feel it within your heart chakra can you feel the eternal Flame igniting you restoring you back to perfect health and wholeness it is the energy in which I resurrected my own physical body after the crucifixion it allowed me to continue to physically live and to ascend into my Christ conscious essence self-living and breathing the eternal Flame of life and so dear ones do not succumb to what you believe as limitation feeling that you have come to life perhaps many of you feel as if you are aging and time is passed by and you have come as they say to a crossroads what have I accomplished what I have achieved do I have the strength do I have the energy to carry on and so dearest children now cold the Resurrection Flame to ignite the passion within you and to ignite the cells within your body to return to a whole perfect health and wholeness and balance and allow that Flame to be the spark of your beautiful spirit to be resurrected again until the time of your physical death allow the Flame of Resurrection to live inside of you so beautifully so purely so air professedly called into Flame the Resurrection you allow yourself to be Steven and so dear his children call this forth from the Lord God of my being I call forth now to receive an infusion of the Resurrection Flame into every cell atom an electron in my physical body, my emotional body, my mental body, my etheric body, my body elemental and all my subtle bodies I wish to heal and resurrect all aspects into my life I resurrect my finances my talent my Soul Mission, Peace, Love, Harmony, in all relationships.

Dears children if you're serious lack of any kind in your life call in the Resurrection Flame there is no need to suffer call them the Resurrection Flame to help assist you remember to visualize the Resurrection plane as a Golden, Orange, Yellow energy luminescent color like a summer sunset you can breathe it into your consciousness.  Breathe it into your heart and allow yourself to feel the pulsation of the energy beginning to manifest within your life, and know that is you call in this beautiful Flame at this moment call forth what you wish to desire and use this as a daily practice to begin to heal yourself to heal all aspects of your life that are not in balance and do not bring you joy.

Dearest ones you were to live in joy you were to live in a state of harmony and you were to live in a state of balance just as though Marion's who live in the underground city of Talos this is your birthright this is why my Mother and my Mary came we came to show you the way the Light and the Truth.  We come to show you balance in all things and we, my Mary and I struggle with our own divine union of merging into balance within ourselves and yet you as you understand our mission together was greater that our mission separately and we still come together to hold the balance for this planet and the reservoir she bring me the tool, then each of you are gifted with so that you may return to balance in all aspects of your life today it is a grand celebration because this year of 2019 the voices will be heard, the voices will be heard, the voices will be heard the energy of divine Mother will be heard and the people will stand together and the voices will be heard, there will be unity there will be peace there will be tranquility the energy of divine Mother as you know has shifted upon this planet and the voices will be heard so use your voice wisely. 

The Resurrection Flame to heal those aspects of your life in which you have felt fragmented or out of balance. Allow the Resurrection Flame to heal any fear that you might be holding on or we're not worthy to receive you were not worthy to be heard you were not worthy to be loved.  So begin to send this frequency into your body as my Mother my Mary and myself stand here to infuse the energy of the Sacred Flame into your physicality. into your mental mind. into your emotional mind. clearing all aspects of your being, clearing and healing all that no longer serves you.

So I say to you dearest children of the Light and allow your heart to open and allow your heart to heal feel the presence of the Living God inside of you, the presence of the Living God inside of you may your heart open and may you heal until may you feel the presence of the Living God inside of you.  I know that the energy of the love of God surround you the power of God protects you the presence of God watches over you wherever you are. God is and all is well.

You're all beautiful children of the Light and so we bring you the Resurrection Flame that you may ignite yourself again be ignited into your true essence into your true power into the true energy and so dearest children know that your old age and generation have never been natural attributes of life the appearance of your physical body is determined by the amount of light carried within your vehicle into the mental, emotional, the etheric and physical body  The natural emanation of light through your body system forms the projecting wall approaching with the tube of light around you when the electrons move slowly in their particular organs and cells they draw less light from your higher self creating resistance in a weaker light stream how much vitality you have in your body and how you how you start to feel how to do with of how fast the electrons can spin in your body the more toxins you have and the less light that you hold the slower the electron spin encouraging old age disease misalignment and now functioning your organs glands and systems.  And in time your whole body begins to experience aging remember the Lemurians and tailors who obtain immortality because they learn to keep their bodies in force in perfect health and harmony they learn to keep everything but we do in their physical lives and their mental attitudes and their emotional bodies clear of negativity and today we ask you to clear yourself regularly allowing your electrons to spin of the speed that keeps your bodies young beautiful youthful and immortal immortality is not a mystery one once you begin to understand it but it's an assortment of real life that is divine and natural and so.

I say to dearest children energy the Resurrection Flame call in the energy of the Resurrection Flame.

I AM the way the Light and the Truth calling any energy of the Flame of Resurrection and once again.

I AM the Resurrection and life of my eternal freedom and the Light I AM that I AM
I AM the Resurrection the life of my physical bodies perfect blueprint.
I AM that I AM I AM the Resurrection and life of my emotional bodies perfect blueprint I AM that I AM
I AM the Resurrection and the life of my mental bodies perfect blueprint I AM that I AM
I AM the Resurrection the life of my etheric bodies perfect blueprint
I AM that I AM
I AM the Resurrection the life of my spiritual bodies perfect blueprint
I AM that I AM
I AM the Resurrection the life of the ascended masters purity in love
I AM that I AM
I AM the Resurrection the life of the healing powers of the sacred Flames I AM that I AM
I AM the Resurrection and the life of my immortal perfection and illumine love of the Cosmic Christ I AM that I AM
I AM the Resurrection the life of the powers of the Sacred Fire within me restoring all the wondrous gifts of my divine essence I AM.

And so dear ones you have received this initiation into the sacred Flames and so call it in and allow it to restore your healing no your body to begin to vibrate to this frequency for understand it's just truly how I resurrected my body after the crucifixion and you're able to resurrect yourself as well. 

When humanity begins to understand the power of this healing they can restore their health and perfect harmony and balance but many do not understand and many will not believe but choose this as the Eternal Flame of Life that is your birthright given to you by God.  I give this gift to you today because it is needed for all of you to stay healthy and vibrant to do your mission work and I know dearest children of light that time is of the essence and there is no time to waste and that many of you feel this sense of pressure to move forward we asked you to call in the Resurrection Flame.  And then you will be able to clear any blockages that you have within your system in order for you to be able to move forward healing all mental or emotional discomfort that prohibits you from being truly alive vibrant full of life and joy.

So dearest ones call this Flame in and breathe it and call it into your life every moment that you can remember calling in the Resurrection Flame returning yourself to perfect health and wholeness returning your life into perfect balance and wholeness and this also will resurrect the energy upon the planet to return to balance sending the Resurrection Flame out into the universe out into the galaxy out into your community into your current civilization into all life forms.  The Flames of Resurrection are igniting now upon your planet and Mother I've let the contract and Mother Earth is receiving this energy and Mother Earth is holding this energy all to receive.  So dear children of the Light you have call and I have come so we ask you to hold this frequency within your being know that the time has come for all to receive this powerful frequency of Love as you call in the Resurrection Flame within your heart. 

Go now my children and receive the blessings that are stored upon you get to feel the energy of the Resurrection Flame ignite within you, for the presence of this peace upon your soul and allow your heart to open to the energy of All- That-Is go now my children you are my beloved's go now in peace and be still and know that you are loved and we thank you Christ and we are forever grateful for this gift of the Resurrection Flame we thank you we honor you and we send our blessings on to Mother Mary Magdalene and to the great one that's a call for the Flame of Resurrection onto the earth sending healing to Mother Gaia until all life-forms we thank you Father we thank your mother you think you are beloved Jeshua and so it is.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Deliverance of the Diamond Consciousness

Channeled through Natalie Glasson 

Love and angelic blessings I extend through my being to you. I am Archangel Metatron, the overseer of the Angelic Kingdom. I receive the angelic vibration from the Creator and distribute it through the Angelic Kingdom, so all angels may be of service aligned with the divine will of the Creator.
My purpose in addressing and communicating with you today is to make you aware of the deliverance of the Diamond Consciousness into your being and into the Earth. The Diamond vibration and frequency extends from the Multi – Universal level of the Creator’s Universe, of which I am the overseer. The Diamond light also extends into the Cosmic Level acting as an expression of the synthesis of the Cosmic and Multi -Universal Levels. The purpose of the Diamond light is to share the clarity, clearness, directness and perfection of the Creator. It holds the qualities of luminosity, transparency, truthfulness and the organic flow of the Creator. The extension of the Diamond light into the Earth symbolises an upgrade in these sacred qualities within humanity, their actions and reactions and relationship with Mother Earth. Such transformations and shifts promote new understandings and comprehension about the way to live upon the Earth that is born from the essence of the Creator.
While the Diamond Light will be anchored into the Earth and humanity, even more exciting is that the Diamond Consciousness will also be made available. The Diamond Consciousness holds the wisdom of the Multi- Universal and Cosmic Levels supporting the utmost clarity in perceiving and embodying the Creator. The wisdom is so clear, inspirational and pure that receiving the Diamond Consciousness creates beautiful shifts and awakenings within your being without even understanding the knowledge shared. The Diamond Consciousness brings forth a crystal-clear alignment with the Creator in all aspects of your being, promoting awareness free from illusions and an intense inner knowingness that brings forth peace and contentment. The Diamond Consciousness promotes an understanding of your existence upon the Earth and within the Universe of the Creator, thus allowing you to feel in oneness and harmony with all that is the Creator.
Why is the Diamond Consciousness Anchoring into the Earth?
The Diamond Consciousness is being directed akin to a beam of light into the Earth and humanity to cleanse illusion from the energy fields, chakras, emotions and minds of humanity as well as the entire physical and energetic body of Mother Earth. Illusions that have been long present and feel like fact or reality will be cleansed and erased. Clarity and truth will fill the space where illusion once resided. Transparency will fill the minds of many allowing them to see with new eyes the truth of the Creator within and around them. This will mean that you may find it difficult to hide your emotions and true thoughts as well as your expression of the Creator. You may feel like sacred energies are gushing from you and that you can see through the illusions that others are holding onto. You may discover that your spiritual awareness evolves allowing you to access new enlightenment bringing greater meaning to your reality and existence upon the Earth. The prominent purpose of the Diamond Consciousness is to bring forth the clarity and authentic nature of the Creator which is present within all being.
While humanity will benefit from the grounding of the Diamond Consciousness, it is Mother Earth who will benefit the most as humanity’s relationship with Mother Earth is cleansed and purified. This will denote a new connection and understanding between Mother Earth and humanity rising. Manifestation of deep oneness, knowingness, compassion and working in unity will be created allowing both, especially Mother Earth to blossom and flourish. Most of humanity believe they have already seen the greatness of Mother Earth, and yet they haven’t even seen a small amount of the magic and wonder she holds and can create. Mother Earth is a magnificent being which humanity will recognise as they cleanse the illusions that surround them and their relationship with Mother Earth. She has the power to bring a deep-seated healing to her being and all in existence with her almost instantly, and yet she requires to be in oneness with all beings to achieve this. For this to take place humanity must recognise their oneness with Mother Earth.
Receiving the Diamond Consciousness
The Diamond Consciousness will be anchored into the Earth as a beam of light penetrating all beings and all aspects of the Creator. To receive the Diamond Consciousness personally and consciously, I, Archangel Metatron, wish to share with you a special technique that will allow you to embody the sacred qualities available to you now.
  • ‘I open myself fully to receive the Diamond Light and Consciousness now.’ Repeat this statement as you press the fingertips of your right hand to the fingertips of your left hand with your thumbs meeting. Let your palms be facing but not touching, with your finger pointing up to the sky. You will experience a shift or opening within your being which may be experienced as a sense of peace, a surge of light or something else.
  • When you feel ready keeping your hands in the same position raise them, so they are above your head with your arms straight. Imagine the Diamond Light and Consciousness flowing as a beam of light into your fingertips, fingers and palms. In the space between your palms imagine a small diamond shaped light beacon forming. This is the presence of the Diamond Light and Consciousness.
  • Allow the diamond shaped beacon to emanate its light into your entire being.
  • As if you are holding the most precious jewel or crystal, lower your hands and place the diamond beacon at your third eye chakra. Breathe its light into your third eye chakra.
  • Lower your hands to in front of your heart chakra and breathe the light into your heart chakra.
  • Lower your hands to your pelvis and breathe the light into your pelvis, root chakra and earth star chakra below your feet.
  • Let the diamond shape of Diamond Light and Consciousness expand to encompass your entire being completely. Sit in the energy and breathe it into your entire being. Notice the healing, shifts and clarity that forms, maybe in unexpected ways and areas of your being. Allow illusions to be dissolved and a new sense of clarity to dawn.
  • Expand the diamond shape to encapsulate Mother Earth and allow illusions between you and within your relationship to be dissolved and cleansed.
  • Rest in the energy and receive for as long as feels comfortable, I, Archangel Metatron, will be present to support you.
After you have experienced your alignment with the Diamond Light and Consciousness call forth the energy daily into your being using the following affirmation, ‘I open myself fully to receive, embody and express the Diamond Light and Consciousness now.’ Take a moment to acknowledge the light flowing through your being and activating from within you and then continue with your day.
In the coming days, be aware of any new insights, greater clarity and the presence of illusions falling way, this will allow you to recognise the presence of the Diamond Light and Consciousness within your being and reality. Take time to nurture your connection of clarity and oneness with Mother Earth by simply sending time with her, either within nature or within your meditation. Notice how your interaction with Mother Earth shifts.
With clarity and truth,

Archangel Metatron

Monday, April 15, 2019

The Origin of the Soul-Christ

4-8-19 Mary Magdalene Message

Greetings Dear One, yes it is I, Christ. I come to tell you that yes, this is an extremely important time. All of you here on this particular call today are indeed the Priestesses of Aknu. You are all holding the codes of light, that I have spoken of at our last gathering. I will get further into this momentarily, but I will tell you that this is very significant at this time, because the earth is shifting into a greater level of consciousness, and all of the Divine priestesses, all of the sacred women who have held the lineage of the light codes from generations of time, from the ancient ones, from our star brothers and sisters, from all of the galaxies and universes are now coming together in a Great Conclave. Just as I spoke at the Great Conclave, eons and eons ago, calling for all the Lightworkers to come serve Mother Gaia, there is a powerful conclave of the Great Priestesses that are now gathering together. They are reawakening the memories, they are stepping into their power and the Sacred Feminine energy is now being brought forth onto this planet in a powerful ferocity of energy, that the priestesses who’ve held the secrets of the great mystical alchemy of sacred knowledge can step forward now at this time on earth and no longer be afraid of being persecuted. These powerful priestesses, these powerful goddesses, under the direction of Priestess Isis are now being guided to bring forth their knowledge, their wisdom and the energy that they were encoded with in the ancient temples in Mesopotamia so long ago.
You say why is this important now? It is because the truth is to be revealed about the power of the Sacred Feminine. It is to be brought forward that the ancient remembrance of our connection to the great spirit goddess, Gaia, shall be brought forth. The energy of the Earth Mother, who all are embodying, all who are receiving her energy through the air, the water, the food, through your earth star chakra, through the soles of your feet into your physical embodiment, all are receiving the energy of Mother Goddess, Mother Gaia. It is time that the earth and all inhabitants return back to the Sacred Feminine energy, the power of the Earth Goddess, and these beautiful priestesses, who are encoded with the beautiful light codes, of knowledge and wisdom, from each of their respective home planets and star systems, from Arcturia, Andromeda, Sirius, Orion, the Pleiades, Venus, so many beautiful souls, so many galactic souls who have entered into this earth plane, coming into their human form, time and time again, honoring their divinity, honoring the lineage of the light that they are bringing from their own home planet, their own star constellation, their own galaxy, their own universe. So many of these high priestesses are holding the code for unity and unification, holding the wisdom and the secret of healing that is so needed at this time on this earth plane.
So, Dear Ones, you are the awakened ones, you are being gifted this information today as a star seed, as a beautiful priestess, as you hold the powerful light codes and the lineage that is directly aligned to Mary and I. So you see, Dearest Ones, today is a day of celebration, it is a day of great honor, as you begin to be awakened and infused with your remembrance that you are a powerful priestess that has held and carried the knowledge and the wisdom through generations of time, and it is time to honor yourself. It is time to honor your lineage, it is time to empower yourself and say yes. I am a powerful priestess off the light, and no more do we need to hide our secrets, for the world is safe. It might not appear to be as you see if your third dimensional reality, but it is true, Dearest Children, it is time for the women to step forward and the energy of the sacred marriage of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, the beautiful energy of the alchemal marriage of divine perfection to return to this earth. And the women, the priestesses, all who have originated from the temple of knowledge. Yes, Dear Ones, all of you have lived in the Temple of Knowledge. Each of you have carried this frequency not only through the civilization in Atlantis, but through those ancient Temples in Mesopotamia, in Lemuria, in Egypt. And yes, the temples that exist from your home planets, of Andromeda, Orion, Pleiades, Sirius. All of you have stepped forward, holding these codes of light, holding the keys for the healing of this planet and the transformation of beloved Mother Gaia once again to return to her divine perfection.
And so today as you take a deep breath, as you call in this frequency and understand that you are part of this greater connection, feel the energy within your crown chakra now beginning to vibrate. Allow your heart to begin to open, and your mind to begin to be released. Breathe my children, breathe. Breathe in these powerful light codes from the Temple of Wisdom and Knowledge. Each of you are so important to the whole, as you carry these frequencies of not only sacred geometry, but you hold the energy of the essence of your soul perfection. Now it is time to step into this light and into this frequency. And once again return to joy, for you see the priestesses again have been persecuted. They had to hide what they knew, the tablets were hidden, the truth was hidden, because the truth would set so many free. Yet in your course of history, the churches wish to deny the power of the Sacred Feminine, they wished to deny the power that was held within the energy and the power of the mystic. Those who understand esoteric principles, and who understood God’s universal law. So each of you are indeed one of these priestesses who step forward to reclaim your remembrance. So today, Dearest Children of the Light, begin to embody this and feel it, and feel the strength inside of you. Know not only are you a part of our lineage, the bloodline of King David and the bloodline of the Magdalene run through you, but you are a part of this greater lineage and this frequency of Divine perfection.
At this time, the oracle of the white tablet holds the key for the priestesses to begin to reawaken to their remembrance. The white tablet is the tablet of the origination of the soul. It is indeed a part of the sacred tablet of the testimony. The white tablet is one of the sets of the tablets of the testimony, and so Dearest Children as you begin to call in this frequency of the white tablet, may you begin to honor and respect the use of this tablet, as you begin to work with your own soul’s perfection, your divine origination, and you say, how do I do this, what does this mean, I do not understand. We ask that you set time, sitting with the white tablet and your consciousness and your remembrance shall begin to be revealed to you, and you will begin to have not only clairvoyant and claircognizant abilities awaken within you, as you begin to hear and see and feel and know the remembrance of the time that you as the Divine priestesses were at a time of what we call rule, where the energy of the matriarch, the energy of the Sacred Feminine, was honored. You see at this time the energy of the patriarchal energy has been ruling and now it is time for the energy of the Sacred Feminine energy to step forward, and you Dearest Children are the leaders, you are the coders of light that are anchored upon this earth, for the Sacred Mother to return to power, in her rightful place and position, honoring the earth mother, honoring all mothers, honoring all life forms. Your world has indeed been out of balance for generations of time, but this gentle energy of Divine Mother Love, and the power of the priestesses who are awakening to this frequency, coming together, banding together, reawakening their remembrance, that they no longer need to hide what they know, to step forward and teach. This is how the world will change, this is the beginning of the new earth, this is the New Jerusalem, this is the new earth, the women coming together in unity and stepping forward and saying yes, I remember union.
So today, Dearest Children if you so shall, these powerful codes of light, of remembrance, from the origination of your soul, from your own galactic origination, shall step forward into your consciousness, and you will begin to feel stronger and more vibrant, have more clarity, and begin to hold greater wisdom and knowledge than you’ve ever imagined that you can hold. You are the sacred tablet for these energies are held within your consciousness. So the secret of the missing holy grail is held inside of you, the divine balance, the sacred balance, honoring the divinity of Father/Mother God, unity, wholeness in all of life. So as you call this frequency within you, may you begin to feel this strength inside of you, may you begin to feel your Divine perfection, your God perfection. The women will cry no more for their voices shall be heard, gently, powerfully, but most potently. The voices of the Sacred Feminine will rise again, the priestesses and the goddesses are as they say, on the loose again. The priestesses and the goddesses have returned back to their rightful position. So can you feel this energy now upsurging inside of you as you begin to feel this powerful remembrance of who you truly are. These secrets that had been kept hidden away from the churches, away from those in the patriarchal rule who wished to destroy the sacred secrets of the light codes and what the women carried. As the women carried the teachings from the star beings, the teachings of numerology and sacred geometry, astronomy, and magic. This cannot be denied, your current civilization has suppressed this and demonized it, and has been afraid of the power of the women, of the priestesses. No more, we say, no more. No more. For Priestess Isis, my Mary, my mother and all the sacred women are to be honored again. You see the stories that have been told about my mother and my Mary are not of truth. Both Mary and my mother were high initiates, priestesses, filled with their own wisdom and sacred knowledge. So each of you Dearest Children hold this same lineage through your bloodline. You are high initiates, priestesses, goddesses. It is why Yeshua, known by many as Jesus of Nazareth, Lord Sunanda, known by many names. I had come 2,000 years ago and I was the carrier of these light codes, in this sacred energy of my divine masculine frequency. I was there and still to this day hold the balance for the male energy, the divine masculine energy infused with the sacred feminine, bringing forth the God perfection onto this earth plane. It is why many feel, or believe that I am the only son of God. That is not truth. But I am a carrier of this energy of Divine balance.
Just as you all are carriers because you hold the codes of light. This was a misperception, but it was my mission, it was my sacred contract to bring my frequency of Divine, Sacred Union onto this earth plane. As a living example in a male body, in a male form. I held the power of love, compassion and generosity in my human body as a male. You see I was here to represent that perfection of father/mother God, the blending of the strength and the receptivity of Mother Love. So when many call me the only Son of God, they understand this as me as the carrier of the light codes. That is what it means, nothing more, nothing less. You are all carriers of the same energy, and yet it was simply my job as the representative to bring this to the world 2,000 years ago. I now come 2,000 years later to help explain that I was there to hold the balance of Father/Mother God in my physicality, so that each of you could step forward and begin to receive this divine, sacred balance within yourself. All the beautiful priestesses who are now stepping forward will assist the energy upon this earthplane of the misguided energy of the patriarchal frequency, the masculine aspect has been abused and now the energy of Father/Mother God, inhabited in all of you through your own sacred light codes will begin to change the world, one person at a time, one by one, each one teach one, each one lead one. One by one by one. There is nothing to be frightened of, just hold the light, for indeed Dearest Children you were created in light and light you shall remain. You were created in love and love you shall remain.
There at the temple of wisdom and knowledge, there in this etheric template, in this etheric temple, you are the template, you are the bearer of this wisdom and knowledge from your own star system, your own planet, your own galaxy. As they say, it takes a village, a village of galactic brothers and sisters who have stepped down in their consciousness to enter into human form to be willing to sacrifice their oneness, and to live the earthly incarnation over and over again, until it was time for the Divine perfection of God’s perfection to once again enter into the consciousness of all souls, not just the sacred priestesses, but all beings, all life forms. Today we speak of the beautiful priestesses that have stepped forward because it is time for their energy to be honored. I ask that you honor yourself, for each of you are one of these priestesses, tap into your sacred wisdom, tap into your sacred knowledge, tap into your divine power and you will change the world. One moment at a time, one energy at a time, one frequency at a time. Prepare yourself to receive. Do not be frightened of your power, do not be frightened about your lineage, as a bearer of the light codes. The use of the white tablet, and the tablet of testimony can be used as long as you are pure in your heart. These energies cannot be used or accessed unless you are pure within your soul, they will not be misused, so do not be frightened. Begin to call in this frequency, knowing that the energy of your soul is guiding you, and on this planet at this time, this planet is to return to what we call the innate wisdom of every soul to be in tune with their soul perfection, their soul pathway. This is why so many people speak of their purpose, and are awakening to their soul essence at this time. You, Dearest Children, are the carriers of the secrets, of the codes, held within your DNA, held within your cellular memory. It is time, it is time, it is time to reawaken to your true divinity. My Mary and I hold the energy of the Sacred Chalice for you, so that you may stand in your divine perfection, the energy of Father/Mother God, so that you may return to Oneness, and that you may return to the perfection of God’s essence within your being. Blessed be for you are the Dear Souls that have chosen to serve in lieu of all distortions, and so we thank you for your dedication and we thank you for your service, for now the energy will support you so that you will move forward into your soul pathway, the veils have been lifted, the tablet is now ready to be accessed, the light codes are now as strong as they’ve ever been. So call these energies in and use them with discernment, use them with sacredness, use them with honor, as I’ve said, if you are not ready you will not be able to access this. They cannot be abused. It is simply a connection from your soul to this energetic frequency that will allow you to tap into the temple of wisdom and knowledge so that you may return now into the wisdom, into the power of who you truly are as a Divine God and Goddess of the Light, of the living sun, of Great Central Sun, and of all of creation. Go now my children and be at peace, and be still and know that you are loved, loved beyond measure and loved beyond comprehension, this is a powerful powerful day, I pray that you receive this with an open heart. Do not try to analyze it, just receive it. Be still, be still, be still.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Synthesis with the Master Archangels of the Multi Universal Level by Archangel Metatron

Synthesis with the Master Archangels of the Multi Universal Level

I, Archangel Metatron wish to share an insight into the Multi Universal Level of which I am the overseer. I wish to support your connection, integration, synthesis and experience of the Multi Universal Level and Creator’s expression through your unions with beings in existence at this sacred dimension. This will raise your energy and light vibration significantly, supporting an expansion in your energy field and awareness while downloading new insights, enlightenment and truth. There are powerful healing frequencies which penetrate your entire being within the Multi Universal Level, not only creating healing at a physical level, also on a deep soul and unification with the Creator level.

The Multi Universal Level holds the purity and truth of the Creator, it enhances liberation and true expression. Due to its high and quick vibrational frequency, it can be difficult to comprehend and understand from the earthly levels. However, its influences are magnificent, powerful and impact, encouraging a deeper resonance and connection with the Creator and your divine self.

The Power of Sound

Within the Multi Universal there are beings 
labelled Master Archangels, each receives and distributes a quality of the Creator into the Multi Universal Level and the entire Universe of the Creator. The divine will and plans of the Creator for ascension flow through these Master Archangels. They are known as Master Archangels because their role is to maintain the vibration of the Multi Universal Level and support me, Archangel Metatron, in my role as overseer of the Angelic Kingdom and Multi Universal Level. Due to their high vibrations they do not have names, instead they are distinguished as sound vibrations and frequency. Sound exists within the entire Universe of the Creator, it is a magical way to communicate and allows for true experience and expression of the Creator essence. Each Master Archangel has a purpose and a sound vibration which allows you to call upon their presence to work with you.

Sound has the power to penetrate your entire being and change the vibration and oscillation of your cells, aligning your physical body to the frequency you are receiving, this can create tremendous shifts, awakening and healing. Sound invites your soul to activate and become more fully embodied within your body and reality. Due to sound being able to change the frequency of your entire being on all levels, it is a powerful tool to accelerate your ascension, creating new awakenings, activations and illumination. When you connect with a being on the inner planes through the process of sound, you experience an intimate connection with them and are able to explore their energies and that which they reflect within you.

Connecting with Archangel Metatron

I, Archangel Metatron wish to share with you my sound vibration so you may tone, sing and express it through your voice in a way that is comfortable for you. In doing so you will automatically call upon my presence. You may wish to tone with your eyes closed for as long as you feel is appropriate, then let yourself be silent and sink into meditation or quiet reflection. You will connect on a deeper level with your being while experiencing my resonance merging with you. I will share with you whatever is needed, whether it is healing, wisdom, peace, love, activations or something else. Simply take time to observe and be present with the energy activation,
synthesis and transitions taking place within your being.  My Sound Connection for Integration with me, Archangel Metatron is:

Ma – Ta – Om

Connecting with the Master Archangels 

I, Archangel Metatron wish to introduce you to important Master Archangels who will support your ascension and spiritual evolution. I will share the quality of the Creator they receive and distribute as well as the tone you can use to call upon their presence to work with you. In the 
same way I guided you to connect with me, you can connect with these Master Archangels. It is advisable to only connect with one Master Archangel at a time. Simply tone, sing and express their sound, which is like their name, through your voice in a way that is comfortable for you. They will be automatically present with you. You may wish to tone with your eyes closed for as long as you feel is appropriate, then let yourself be silent and sink into meditation or quiet reflection. You will connect on a deeper level with your being and recognize the synthesis of the Master Archangel with you. Take time to observe and be present with the energy activation, synthesis and transitions taking place within your being. The same method can be achieved for each Master Archangel. You may also tone a chosen Master Archangel’s name in your mind as you go about your daily reality to draw upon their support and the quality of the Creator’s light they distribute.

Master Archangel of Ascension

Sound Connection for Integration- Tae – Ho

Master Archangel Tae – Ho holds a focus upon the Multi Universal Level of ascension.  The process of ascension on the Earth can be described in many ways but there is a simple explanation of ascension at a Multi Universal level, it is to raise your vibration. The simplicity of this process allows for an extremely powerful experience.  Tae – Ho assists in the quickening of the vibration of the entire universe, quickening the vibration 
of even the Earth as guided by the will of the Creator. Tae – Ho also holds the ability of slowing down the vibration of the Creator’s energy in order for the processing of energy. Our understanding of this upon the Earth may be that Tae – Ho is the overseer of time but in fact he is the overseer of the speed at which ascension for all is achieved, or the speed at which we unite our energies with the Creator. Tae – Ho teaches many how to quicken their vibration and unite with the vibration of the Creator.

Master Archangel of Truth

Sound Connection for Integration- La – Na

Master Archangel La- Na amplifies the truth vibration of the Creator and allows for a 
greater in depth understanding of the Creator’s will and vibration. As I, Archangel Metatron anchor the vibration of the Creator so La - Na supports in deciphering the vibrations of the Creator accessing and interpreting the wisdom of the Creator. We could say La – Na is the Creator’s interpreter. While wisdom is accessed and unfolds from the vibration of the Creator, it is very rarely spoken on a Multi Universal level; truth will manifest more as inspiration within the heart centre or the origin of the soul energy, and then can be transferred from heart centre to heart centre through bonds of light. La - Na assists in the manifestation of the entire reality of the universe whether it is the collective reality or an individual’s reality. Each soul and soul group hold an aspect of the Creator’s truth, La – Na ensures that these are expanded into realities for greater understanding. La- Na is a powerful part of the ascension process throughout the entire universe.

Master Archangel of Vibrational Balance

Sound Connection for Integration- Emm – Ka

Master Archangel Emm – Ka assists with the continuous balance of the vibration of the Multi Universal Level 
and entire Universe of the Creator. Emm – Ka works alongside my vibration, Archangel Metatron and Tae – Ho the Master Archangel of Ascension to maintain balance.  As I, Archangel Metatron, distribute the light, Tae –Ho increase the vibration of light and so Emm – Ka ensures that the perfection of the Creator is achieved at all times. Emm- Ka works with the divine will of the Creator ensuing that everything is being expressed as the perfection of the Creator. Emm – Ka’s mission is to create the perfection of the Creator and ensure divine vibrational balance is experienced by all within all aspects of their energetic beings, soul and soul group. Emm – Ka will always bring you back into harmony and balance with your own being as well as the entire Universe of the Creator and the central source of the Creator.

Master Archangel of Illumination

Sound Connection for Integration- La – 
Mor – E

Master Archangel La- Mor – E assists with illumination at a Multi Universal Level, La – Mor –E assists with brilliance,brightness and radiance of the Creator’s energy. This means La – Mor – E encourages the continuous expansion of the Creator’s energy, as well as inspiring aspects of the Creator to experience expansion and limitless experiences. La –Mor- E ensures energy is always activating, that stagnation is dissolved, and that self-expression is fully experienced. Master Archangel La – Mor- E works closely with the Master Archangel of Truth, assisting in the expression of truth into reality for experience.

Master Archangel of Enlightenment

Sound Connection for Integration- Vai - E – O

Master Archangel Vai- E – O assists the Multi Universal Level with the process of enlightenment which at the 
Multi Universal Level is the collection and contemplation of all aspects of wisdom throughout the Creator’s Universe.  It is the integration of the Creator’s consciousness completely and the experience of this vast knowledge and understanding of all. Enlightenment is an understanding of all aspects of the Creator, Vai – E- O acts as an example of this embodiment and assists many on other levels of the Creator’s Universe in achieving the same.

May you enjoy a journey of exploration and integration within the Multi Universal Level,

Archangel Metatron

This a short story about faith

I had given a card reading to a woman named Jessa on a beach house in Roxas City, Philippines, and because of that she made an appointme...