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Maurice's Heart Diamond healing demonstration


Maurice's DNA Activation

Reverend Maurice Ramsey is a well-known Spiritual Healer and a certified Seichim/Reiki Master Teacher also a Heart Diamond Extender who incorporates traditional and non-traditional classes in Seichim and Reiki. Maurice Ramsey has spent over 55 years as a channel for healing using several complementary modalities of healing to bring balance and overall health to the individual.

Maurice has been empowered by the Ascended Master with the Accelerated Creative Life Force Energy. This energy is being channeled through Maurice to activate the DNA in others. The DNA healing activates your co-creative powers with the new energies on Earth. Your vibration level is raised; your clearing process is speeded up.

In each of Maurice’s DNA Healing Sessions is guided by spirit. It is the Angelic Healers that are always ready to assist in the DNA Activation healing work of the Divine/Source. It is they, who, in God’s name, use their wisdom and the forces at their command to activate the DNA process. Now, in these accelerated times of the 21 st Century, this new energetic DNA work can benefit many people as God intended it to be.

What takes place during the DNA Activation Healing?

In the DNA Activation healing Maurice will connect to the spirit within for God’s Divine healing energy to flow through him. You could see a beautiful white and blue light that radiates around his head, shoulders, and hands as he asks to be a channel for DNA Activation. First Maurice begins with Aura Clearing. Basically it is a 2 step process. Maurice begins by scanning the Aura for any blockages and removed any energetic blockages from the Aura. After the Aura Clearing, Maurice started to activate the DNA by positioning his hands slightly above the head of the client and transmuting the healing energies through the Crown Chakra. It is the Angelic Healers that transfer the energies to client on the physical, mental, and emotional levels”.

Often several treatments are needed and benefits emerge gradually. With some clients a successful outcome to healing is obvious, but for some, change takes place at a more subtle level. Spontaneous healings can occur at the time of activations. These usually have to do with acute physical and emotional disorders. After the activations, there is a purification process that begins to detoxify the physical, emotional, and mental bodies. DNA Activation often helps with the speed and extent of recovery from serious illness and major surgery and from the effects of treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy. There have been many clients who have cured themselves of cancer and other serious diseases after having the DNA activations.

The DNA healing is done on a cellular level. Why heal the body and the problem is still there? This is one of the reasons for DNA Healing it goes to the core of the illness and triggers the mechanism to awaken and repair DNA in order that it may begin to do its work. The other reason for the DNA Healing, is to help you remember who you really are and raise your consciousness to the point that you can ascend to the Fifth Dimension.

Will I feel anything during the DNA Activation?

YES! Maurice hands may feel cool to the touch but will generate an enormous amount of heat as the Angelic Healers channel God's healing energies into the client. Some will feel extremely relaxed, and others may feel a tingling sensation. Most clients reported feeling a sensation in the head area (Crown Chakra). In most cases, people experience a spontaneous physical or emotional healing at the time of the activation. After that, there will be numerous amount of changes in the next few weeks and months. Most people experience an increase in energy, and go through a cleansing process. DNA Activation is an eternal process and you will notice changes throughout your life from these healing sessions. It often takes a few moments to re-adjust to the world after a DNA Activation healing, due to different vibration frequencies and levels of energy.

Benefit of DNA Activations.

The impact of the activation is typically felt over an extended period, although some people begin to feel its effect almost immediately. The DNA healing session helps with the speed and extent of recovery from serious illness and major surgery and from the effects of treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Usually clients feel more stable and relaxed, and often experience a beneficial change of their attitude to life, a situation which often arises in the cases of terminal illness where healing brings serenity to the client. The following benefits have been reported by individuals who received Maurice’s DNA activation and subsequent DNA healing sessions.

  • DNA healing compliments and works with the medical profession especially before and after surgery.
  • Helps speed up the recovery time after surgery.
  • Is known to increase the healing process.
  • Reduces stress and relaxes the body.
  • Helps relieve chronic illness.
  • Increased energy level.
  • Improved memory.
  • Detoxification of the body.
  • Releasing emotions, behavior patterns, and beliefs that are dysfunctional while strengthening functional ones.
  • Helps decrease hospital stay.
  • Sharper intuition.
  • A feeling of peace.
  • Shifting out of fear and doubt.
  • More self-love.
  • Cleansing on the physical and emotional levels.
  • Understanding painful situations and letting go of them.
  • Increased inner peace and calmness.
  • Resolution of relationship difficulties.
  • And much, much more.
Maurice Ramsey holds degree in Doctorate of Metaphysical (D.MT) and Doctor of Theology (TD) and he is a Seichim/Reiki Master Teacher and a Spiritual Healer. Maurice’s healing have made the national news, in the Times Herald Record... “Hands that Heal.”  He has been quoted in the local newspaper on several occasions for his gift of prophecy and healings. He is a member International Association of Reiki Professionals (IARP), United Spiritual Scientist Fellowship (USSF). He is also the author of the book “Healing with Seichim/Reiki Handbook”.

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