Every Wednesday evening
Time: 8:00 PM - 9:00 (EDT) Time: USA
Place: Online at
Time: 8:00 PM - 9:00 (EDT) Time: USA
Place: Online at
Join from PC, Mac, and Linux, iOS or Android just click on
the link below it will take you to my room:
For more information you could reach me on Facebook Messenger or email: place in the subject box “HEAL ME NOW”.
Every Wednesday I will hold a free healing circle
with the Angelic Healers. They will channel their Loving Light and healing
energies through me to any person with any health problems, Cancer, high blood
pressure, kidney stones, depression, cancer, stress, anxiety etc…
Each of my healing sessions is guided by the Archangel Metatron.
It is the Angelic Healers that are always ready to assist in the healing
session. It is the Ascended Master, Archangels, and Being of Light; use their
wisdom and the forces at their command to activate the DNA process in order
that it may begin to do its perfect work.