Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Natural Cures for Kidney Stones

Chanca Piedra plants

About four years ago I went to the doctor for a routine test for my prostrate here in Roxas City, Philippines. The doctor examined me and stated that my prostrate felt a little elevated.  The doctor prescribed me some medications from which he sold from his store.  Afterwards he told his the nurse to make an appointment at the lab for me.  Three days later I had the ultrasound and my prostrate was negative.  But the ultrasound showed that I had two kidney stone as large as a pearl and six other as small as a grain of sand that needed treatment.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

A Journey of Healing and Well-Being

The Heart Diamond as small as a peanut within ones heart 
My vision is the empowerment of individuals in the achievement of good health, balance, and harmonious life.

I AM the Heart Diamond Extender; I ask my Heart Diamond to flow her perfect work through me.  The Heart Diamond is unique; the individual never needs to be physically near my presence to receive the healing energies of the Heart Diamond.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

MY Spiritual Mission to Bring Hope!

God always hears our prayers

Since I’ve been holding my free healing circles online here in the Philippines, many Filipino’s come to me with a history of High blood Pressure, kidney stones, stroke, lung cancer, depression, etc…  It all comes from poor diet, eating the bake skin and fat from Roasted pig, putting much salt on their food, using lots of MSG when cooking, and buying cheap processed oil for cooking while using it over and over again.  Not realizing continued use is clogging up their arteries which progresses to stroke.

Friday, August 11, 2017

The Heart Diamond

The Heart Diamond

The Heart Diamond, is a Fifth Dimension Healing Tool, it is a conscious entity created by Archangel Metatron.  The Healer can never make a mistake with the Heart Diamond; the Heart Diamond does all the spiritual work through the Healer.  The Heart Diamond resides in the center of the chest within the Heart Flame of the Healer. 

Picture an image of a small Heart Diamond shape as small as a peanut within your heart, shinning brightly as the sun in your Heart Flame.  The more you use your Heart Diamond to heal yourself, your love ones, the planet, and different geographical regions in the world.  It will grow into a Merkaba surrounding your whole body and aura field in Purest White Light, and it will expand nine feet all around you.

The Heart Diamond removes all negative energy, blockages, pain and the misuse of God’s Light from all different parts of your being.  You may feel the healing taking place in your physical body but the healing is actually taking place in the 4th, and 5th, dimension where negativity still exists.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Metatron’s Cosmic Egg

Metatron’s Cosmic Egg of Divine Protection, Healing and Nurturing

When you call upon Metatrons Cosmic Egg into action;; is a process that will allow you to create a Cosmic Egg to contain Healing Energy, Nurturing Love, Light, Attunements and

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Metatron's Heart Diamond and the Merkabah

Lord Metatron will explains the Merkaba and then presents the Heart Diamond which is a fifth dimensional Merkaba healing tool, that transmutes all negative energy into pure White Light. 

Sara Channel Archangel Michael

Sara Jung
Sara Jung: Archangel Michael is Sara's primary source of information. She began channeling his messages to her clients as soon as she connected to him in 1993.  Her sessions are a combination of channeling and clairvoyance.

This a short story about faith

I had given a card reading to a woman named Jessa on a beach house in Roxas City, Philippines, and because of that she made an appointme...