Tuesday, August 15, 2017

MY Spiritual Mission to Bring Hope!

God always hears our prayers

Since I’ve been holding my free healing circles online here in the Philippines, many Filipino’s come to me with a history of High blood Pressure, kidney stones, stroke, lung cancer, depression, etc…  It all comes from poor diet, eating the bake skin and fat from Roasted pig, putting much salt on their food, using lots of MSG when cooking, and buying cheap processed oil for cooking while using it over and over again.  Not realizing continued use is clogging up their arteries which progresses to stroke.

Too many of my wife family, friends and Batch mates have died from one or more of the above. They all die at a young age ranging from mid-forty to late-fifty-five years old.   Most doctors do not take the time out to educate their patients on health, but instead quickly pack them with a regiment of medications and send them home just for the problem to reoccur again at a later date, or the Doctor state: “We’re sorry there’s nothing else we can do for you.”

My vision is the empowerment of individuals in the achievement of good health, balance, and harmonious living through access their own inner healing abilities to overcome their health own problems.

I bring hope in my healing session.  Often several treatments are needed and benefits emerge gradually. With some individuals a successful outcome to healing is obvious, but for some, change takes place at a more subtle level.  At times Spontaneous healing can occur during the healing session. The Heart Diamond Healing session often helps with the speed and extent of recovery from serious illness and minor to major surgery and even from the effects of treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

This a short story about faith

I had given a card reading to a woman named Jessa on a beach house in Roxas City, Philippines, and because of that she made an appointme...