Monday, March 25, 2019

Mary Magdalene You Are The Light Of The world

»Source » Channel Lea Chapin
Greetings Dear One, it is I, Christ.  Yes, I wish to call in the energy of the Resurrection Flame once again. For it is of grave importance to understand that the power of the Resurrection Flame is indeed a viable flame of the eternal flame of Resurrection. It is what brought forth the healing of my energies and my frequencies after my crucifixion, and now we call in the energy of the Resurrection Flame to begin to resurrect the energies on this planet. It is indeed quite unfortunate that the energy of negativity and the energy of suppression and the energy of fear are prevalent upon your earth plane.

It is indeed sad to witness that the beautiful spirits who have come to this planet, to Mother Gaia, are in deep despair, crying out to return to oneness, but are living in separation from themselves and from this planet. And I, Yeshua, step forward with the energy of my beloved Mary Magdalene, and we call in the energy of sacred balance, so that all souls can return to their original state of oneness and beauty and remembrance of their spirit. There is indeed a separation within the consciousness of humanity, where the energy of fear and what we call distrust in the human condition, in the human mind, is affecting so many. So many becoming distrustful, angry and fearful, and it is like a cancer spreading in the hearts of many, feeling this discontent, anger and negativity that is rumbling throughout the world. It is as if it is spreading like wildfire, and we come now to bring forth the Resurrection Flame to extinguish the flame of negativity and fear, to extinguish the fire of the hatred, the warring, the violence that is held within the hearts and minds of so many.

Yet Dearest Children there are so many beautiful souls and spirits who are awakening to their true divinity. Who are helping humanity to uplift their consciousness, and in this we are pleased, in this we are grateful, in this we are thankful, that those spirits have chosen to reconnect to their beautiful energy of oneness. We come now to begin to extinguish the anger, the negativity, the critical nature that is held within human consciousness. This is the energy of many who are not at peace, and who do not understand that peace resides within the heart, the mind, the soul, and within the beautiful essence of their spirit. Peace is truly their birthright. All that is occurring upon this earth plane is merely what we call an illusion, it is not of truth. Begin to take a deep breath my children, and begin to breathe in this frequency of the Resurrection Flame. Begin to allow it to transmute all negativity, fear, and anger. And begin to transmute all that is not of love and peace that resides within your mind, your heart and your soul. Let it be transmuted into love. Letting go and letting God. Allowing your beautiful light to shine, your heart to open to the energy of peace. Allowing your heart to open to the Resurrection of Love.  Feeling the essence and presence of joy as you begin to transmute all that no longer serves you, and as you begin to feel this peace surrounding your physicality and emerging into your subtle light bodies, and extending out into your Merkabah Field, that peace, love and healing be the energy that is now prevalent upon this earth plane. Peace, love and healing. Allowing all souls to awaken to the true essence of their being, awakening to love. Return to love. Dearest Children of the Light, begin to feel this presence of the Living Light of God within the essence of your being. Feel the energy of the Living Light of God returning to the essence of your being, letting go and letting God. Return this energy into the essence of your being, and truly Dearest Children begin to feel this frequency of tranquility that is now beginning to heal the world. We are emitting this frequency of healing to begin to heal the world. So that humans can now be at peace. For you see, Dearest Children, the energy on the planet has shifted and the frequencies are shifting as we speak. The energies are moving forward into light and into love, and into tranquility. More and more souls now are beginning to awaken to this frequency as it becomes palpable, as people begin to feel the peace, and so we are sending out the clarion call of all the Angelic beings of Light, and Archangel Michael’s Legion of Spiritual Warriors are coming to clear the darkness upon this planet. To clear the negativity and to bring healing so that this beautiful planet can return back to the planet in which it was created, in which it was designed. This is of truth, Dearest Children, this planet will return back to the planet of Love in which it was created and in which it was designed. I ask you, Dearest Ones, to breathe. Breathe in this frequency as you begin to ignite and feel the energy of Planet Venus, the planet of love, now sending her waves upon waves of energy to planet earth, assisting her beloved sister planet, helping the earth and its many souls to be at peace.

You are at a pivotal point in time, and it is a turning point, and those souls that are coming forward, who say yes, I choose peace, will begin to feel this within their bodies, minds, hearts and souls, even more powerfully than ever before. I ask you to breathe it in, so that you begin to feel it within your body, within your mind, within your spirit.  Begin to breathe this frequency of peace within your being, letting go and letting God.  Allow your beautiful light to shine, feeling the essence and presence of peace, love and joy. 

I ask you Dearest Children of the Light, can you feel the energy within you now beginning to shift? Can you feel my hand opening your heart? Can you feel my mother’s energy opening up your heart? My beloved Mary Magdalene is standing in front of you opening your crown chakra, so that you may begin to feel the energy of the Great Godhead. Begin to feel the strength of your spirit, and feel the power of your soul, knowing that you have come to this planet to bring love, light and healing. First for yourself, and then onto another.

Today as you feel this frequency of the Resurrection Flame, begin to transmute all that no longer serves you, transmute it into love. Transmute all darkness into love, and do not allow other peoples’ negativity, criticism or fear to control you or to rule you, or to allow you to no longer be at peace. You are here by divine appointment, and you are here to receive. You are here to love, you are here to receive, you are here to love, you are here to love. This is what is happening upon our planet, Dearest Ones, you have called and what come. So many of the Light Bearers are calling forth, some in desperation, some in anticipation, some with expectation that peace shall prevail. Know that Legions upon Legions of Beings of Light, angelic presences, and your Galactic Brothers and Sisters are here infusing this energy upon this planet. So, Dearest Ones, know that the truth. You are making a difference and you are changing the world by holding your intention to be at peace. Regardless of what is happening around you. Whatever others are doing, saying or believing, you are holding the intention of peace and love, knowing that the light will heal all, and you are connected to the Great Creator. You have the power to make a difference, and the power to change the world.

You are the Light of the World. You have the power to change and to create and to manifest all that is in order and that should be. You have the power to make the change within your life and upon this earth plane. As you change your consciousness, and you change your negativity, and you change your fear, you are able to power forward and bring peace to this plane, bring peace to your own life. Truly, Dearest Children, you are the change you wish to see. Let go and let God.

We are always with you, we always stand beside you, and we do not want you to be overcome by what you believe is truth. What you see if your media, what you feel within the world. Know that love will heal all. I ask you to take a deep breath, and place the Pink Ray of Light over your energy field, and all those you love and over this beloved planet and all souls. As you surround yourself truly with the energy of peace, love and tranquility. Today as you enter into this beautiful state of re-remembering, that you truly are a beautiful spirit that has chosen to come to this earth plane. Each day as you remember this and as you re-affirm this, that you have come to make a difference on this earth plane, this is why you are here. This is your purpose, you have come to assist this planet. Regardless of what else you believe you have come to do, your primary purpose is to serve the Living God and to serve Mother Gaia, and anything less than that is totally and completely an illusion. This is your primary purpose, and as you hold your alignment to serving and being served, and you will remain in alignment to your true purpose, your true passion, and this will bring you peace, this will bring you comfort, this will bring you love. As you stay in alignment, you are here by Divine appointment, and regardless of what you feel you are doing or not doing, you are indeed serving, because you are holding the Living Light of peace, holding the Flame of resurrection, holding the eternal Flame of love. For this is the eternal Flame of love, the Resurrection Flame. It is the resurrected light of God’s essence for every soul to ascend and return back to oneness.

Today, Dearest Children of the Light, as you stand in the power and in the remembrance of who you truly are, may you feel the peace and tranquility upon your soul. Peace be with you. Truly, Dearest Children of the Light, you are holding this powerful frequency, and allow it now to begin to embody into every cell, fiber and pore of your being. Begin to heal the wounds of the past, the wounds of the present, and begin to clear the negativity that perhaps you may hold within your energy field, and the fear, doubt and confusion. Now bring the vibration of love into your heart, and allow your heart to feel at one with all of life, with all that is, with the energy of hope, faith and renewal. You see, Dearest Ones, all is truly in order and all is as it should be. The soul’s journey continues on, and the soul of the planet continues on. It is time for the soul of Mother Earth and the soul of humanity to return to oneness. To feel this balance, just as the energy that is felt by those who live in the underground city of Telos, underneath Mt. Shasta, the beautiful souls live in harmony with all of life. They have mastered their own spirit essence, and so can you, as you live on the surface of this planet, you too can master your own spirit. You can master your own emotions, you can master your soul’s journey by simply allowing and trusting without judging, without fearing, without feeling second best, without a sense that you have no control.

Dearest Ones, it is all a choice. Believe and so you shall receive. As you believe, and know that peace will prevail upon this planet, then your intentions, the purity of your heart will bring peace to all those who are suffering. Know that you are in control, and you are being guided by your own spirit, your own spirit is guiding you. You may not know the way, but the way knows you. The way of your spirit knows how to guide you in your life’s journey. You are here by divine appointment to bring peace and love to this planet. When you were called forth as the earth volunteers, coming forth during the original clarion call to assist this planet to awaken. You were eager, and you knew and believed that you could serve the living God and assist Mother Gaia. Somewhere along the line you became separate in your belief and have become disillusioned, for it seemed to be too difficult, overwhelming, not feasible. You are not capable, you did not know how, and on and on it goes. We ask that you call the Resurrection Flame in again, Dearest Children, and all this energy into your being. Know that you have the power, you have the passion, you have the commitment to be the change you wish to see. Your soul is resurrected again, and the power is renewed within you, your passion is renewed, and your understanding is renewed, this is why you have come to this planet.

Dearest Ones, it is all a choice. Believe and so you shall receive. As you believe, and know that peace will prevail upon this planet, then your intentions, the purity of your heart will bring peace to all those who are suffering. Know that you are in control, and you are being guided by your own spirit, your own spirit is guiding you. You may not know the way, but the way knows you. The way of your spirit knows how to guide you in your life’s journey. You are here by divine appointment to bring peace and love to this planet. When you were called forth as the earth volunteers, coming forth during the original clarion call to assist this planet to awaken. You were eager, and you knew and believed that you could serve the living God and assist Mother Gaia. Somewhere along the line you became separate in your belief and have become disillusioned, for it seemed to be too difficult, overwhelming, not feasible. You are not capable, you did not know how, and on and on it goes. We ask that you call the Resurrection Flame in again, Dearest Children, and all this energy into your being. Know that you have the power, you have the passion, you have the commitment to be the change you wish to see. Your soul is resurrected again, and the power is renewed within you, your passion is renewed, and your understanding is renewed, this is why you have come to this planet.

Dearest Ones, it is all a choice. Believe and so you shall receive. As you believe, and know that peace will prevail upon this planet, then your intentions, the purity of your heart will bring peace to all those who are suffering. Know that you are in control, and you are being guided by your own spirit, your own spirit is guiding you. You may not know the way, but the way knows you. The way of your spirit knows how to guide you in your life’s journey. You are here by divine appointment to bring peace and love to this planet. When you were called forth as the earth volunteers, coming forth during the original clarion call to assist this planet to awaken. You were eager, and you knew and believed that you could serve the living God and assist Mother Gaia. Somewhere along the line you became separate in your belief and have become disillusioned, for it seemed to be too difficult, overwhelming, not feasible. You are not capable, you did not know how, and on and on it goes. We ask that you call the Resurrection Flame in again, Dearest Children, and all this energy into your being. Know that you have the power, you have the passion, you have the commitment to be the change you wish to see. Your soul is resurrected again, and the power is renewed within you, your passion is renewed, and your understanding is renewed, this is why you have come to this planet.

Dearest Ones, it is all a choice. Believe and so you shall receive. As you believe, and know that peace will prevail upon this planet, then your intentions, the purity of your heart will bring peace to all those who are suffering. Know that you are in control, and you are being guided by your own spirit, your own spirit is guiding you. You may not know the way, but the way knows you. The way of your spirit knows how to guide you in your life’s journey. You are here by divine appointment to bring peace and love to this planet. When you were called forth as the earth volunteers, coming forth during the original clarion call to assist this planet to awaken. You were eager, and you knew and believed that you could serve the living God and assist Mother Gaia. Somewhere along the line you became separate in your belief and have become disillusioned, for it seemed to be too difficult, overwhelming, not feasible. You are not capable, you did not know how, and on and on it goes. We ask that you call the Resurrection Flame in again, Dearest Children, and all this energy into your being. Know that you have the power, you have the passion, you have the commitment to be the change you wish to see. Your soul is resurrected again, and the power is renewed within you, your passion is renewed, and your understanding is renewed, this is why you have come to this planet.

Dear Sons and Daughters, begin to call this in and feel the peace and the love and the tranquility upon your soul, knowing that all is in order and all is as it should be. You are powerful spirits, you have come to this planet to serve and to be served. I say, Dearest Ones, accept our gift at this time of reawakening the remembrance of who you are, and the power of all that you hold. Go forward in the understanding that you are beautiful spirits who have chosen to come to this earth plane to serve and to live in balance and oneness. This is the truth of who you are. Go now, my Dear Ones, and feel the presence of God’s Living Light within your soul. Feel the peace as it centers within your heart. Feel the energy of Great Central Sun anointing you as you return back to oneness, and the beauty of your powerful spirit. This is a powerful day, go forward my children and be at peace, and know that you are loved, loved beyond measure, loved beyond comprehension. We stand with you, we stand beside you, and we have not forsaken you or the planet. The time is now for peace to return to the hearts and minds of all souls, and no longer shall there be fear or negativity, or war and violence upon this planet. This is a time of great transition, as the Resurrection Flame is united again upon the planet, go forward in peace and be still and know that you are loved.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Mary Magdalene Message 3-4-19

Channel through Lea Chapin

Greetings Dear One, yes it is I, Yeshua. I come to you at this time to explain the vibration of the energy of the power of now. It truly is a frequency of great magnificence. It is a forcefield of energy that is all-encompassing, and I ask you to begin to focus and to bring this vibration into your being, as if it is a forcefield that is standing right in front of you. It is again a powerful vibration that is alive and well, and ready for you to access. So please take a deep inhaling breath and begin to breathe in this frequency of what we call the power of now, bringing this frequency into your mind’s eye, calling it in, like a circulating energy, a forcefield of light, and allowing this energy to enter now into your consciousness, and enter into your etheric body, and allowing it to access into your heart. As you begin to take another deep breath, begin to feel this essence and presence of the energy now begin to infuse inside of your consciousness, into your subconscious, and into all aspects of your being. Continue to breathe, breathe my children, breathe. Breathe in the frequency of the power of now. Breathe my children, breathe. Breathe my children, breathe in this frequency of the power of now.

I ask you Dear Ones also at this moment to call in the beautiful frequency of Elohim Grace, the gentle frequency of Divine Mother, calling in this powerful frequency of Divine Grace as it now begins to be infused with the energy of the power of now. These two frequencies will begin to co-mingle as if it is like an energy, the ying and the yang, the Mother energy coming now to support the energy of the frequency of the masculine energy, the vibration of action, now coupled with receptivity. So, Dear Ones, as you begin to feel or sense or see these energies merging together, it is truly the energy of Divine balance, Holy Grace. Begin to call this forcefield into your mind’s eye, and simply begin to breathe. Holding the vibration within your breath, and calling this frequency into your heart, and feeling the love as you begin to calm yourself and to know that you are able to move forward, to manifest and create that which you will, at will, in Divine will. So, Dear Ones, simply hold this frequency of love within your being, and now as I begin to invoke the energy of the resurrection flame into this aspect of the power of now, and into the energy of Divine Grace, Grace Elohim, I ask that you begin to use this frequency, the I AM presence, calling the resurrection flame into every cell, atom, electron, into your physical, mental, emotional and etheric bodies, all of your body elementals and all of your subtle light bodies, as you now begin to resurrect the energy of manifestation and creation, into your being.
As you now begin to invoke this energy of the resurrection flame into the aspect of your being that is able to create and manifest, as if these two forcefields are now entering into your sacral chakra, your creative center, and into your solar plexus, your emotional center. Allow this frequency now to begin to stir within you, as if the solar plexus and the sacral chakra, and also the root chakra, are being connected into this forcefield of manifested light and creation, as it is infused and invoked and ignited by the resurrection flame. I ask of each of you at this time to hold within your vision that which you wish to create, that which you wish to resurrect, that which you wish to manifest, and what you wish to bring forward into your life. Perfect health and wholeness, abundance, financially, abundance in your relationships, abundance with inspirations, passion. Simply calling the energy of all that is, as you now begin to feel this energy merging as the resurrection flame ignites the flame and the passion of your I AM presence with your creative center, the seat of your soul, as they say, is now being ignited as you infuse the energy of Elohim Grace with the power of now, and the resurrection flame. Simply breathe this in, into your solar plexus, into your sacral chakra, into your root chakra as you ground this energy into your physicality. As you know that your true nature, you are a powerful being of light, a master here on this earthplane to create, to manifest and to make whole all that is yours, all that the universe has in store for you. So breathe my children, breathe. Breathe in the power of now, breathe in the power of now, breathe in this vibration of the power of now.
As you allow this frequency to move through you, once again to feel the forcefield of energy as if it is like a tornadic energy around you, purifying and clearing and healing all that no longer serves you, into the power of now. Feeling this energy as a forcefield, letting go and letting God, letting go and letting God. So I ask you at this time, as you settle this energy into your energy field, we ask you to feel your solar plexus and your sacral chakra and your root chakra beginning to become reactivated, as if you will be activated in the energy of your own creative abilities and your own manifested light. As the beautiful spirit beings that you are. So can you imagine, and can you feel the power of your beautiful spirit, as you are being ignited again with the resurrection flame to bring forth your ability to create and manifest. For you see Dearest Ones there has been a vibration within your own mental mind and your own emotional mind that has been laid over you like a veil, that you are not able or do not know how to manifest or create at will. Today, Dearest Children, this is the power of now, this is the moment of manifested light that is being brought forth into your being so that you can create and make whole all that is yours. So breathe my children, breathe, breath my children, breathe. Breathe in the power of now.
So I ask you to imagine before you what we call the sea of abundance. As if it is like an open sea or ocean that you can see and feel the opulence of the expansion of this forcefield. What I am trying to say to you, is that as you look out onto the ocean or sea, and you can only see the horizon where the water, where you think, ends, I ask you now to call this expansion and begin to feel and sense this energy of the power of now, the forcefield of your manifested light and creative being, to see beyond the limitation and the expansion so that there is what you may call untapped, unlimited potential that is there on the horizon. So that your mental mind, your emotional mind does not get trapped into the limited beliefs of what you think or feel is all there is. This is not of truth, you see Dearest Ones, the energy of the God essence is unlimited, and so once again I ask you to invoke the energy of the I AM presence, from the Lord God of my being, I call forth now to receive the infusion of the resurrection flame into my finances, my talents, my relationships, my personal health, into all aspects of my being, I infuse the resurrection flame so that I may feel the power of now and live in my true creative and manifested power to create my life as I see and as I desire, and how I wish to be. So, Dear Ones, allow this to open your heart to the remembrance of the beautiful spirit that you are. Can you feel your spirit expanding into your consciousness, and saying yes, I remember my power, I remember my power, I remember my power as a Divine Child of God, manifesting and creating at will, the use of your mind to manifest and create at will.
It is Divine Will, it is a use of this energy of Grace Elohim that will bring forth the calmness and the receptivity for you to receive, and just as you are now filling your own emotional center with this self-love and self-acceptance, I am a powerful child of God, I am the light of the world, and I am here to bring forth my beautiful gifts and talents, and to live in abundance in this abundant universe, and to live in the joy and the remembrance of who I truly am. So take another deep breath and breathe this once again into your solar plexus, into your root, into your sacral chakra, ground this energy into the frequency of Mother Gaia, as you are anchored into the earth and you are connected to her love and to her light and to her power, and to her joy and to her abundance. You see, Mother Earth is abundant, she is prolific and just as you, you are connected to this same frequency, you are able to create at will, you are able to manifest at will, you are able to use the Divine powers that are within you, at will. You have this ability to use your mind, body and spirit in union with the Divine, to manifest. So this is the frequency, Grace Elohim, the vibration, the energy of the power of now, with the resurrection flame to infuse within your being. This, Dearest One, is the tool for you to use, if you so choose to manifest what you desire, opening up the channel of your own true remembrance, and opening up the energy that you’ve held inside of your being, waiting to re-remember.
I remember union, I remember union, I remember union. I am here to open up my memory, my energy, my essence that I am an unlimited being who is able to create and manifest at will. You are not helpless, you are not left without the energy and the tools here on this earthplane. God has gifted you with these abilities, God has gifted you with these energies. I, here, today as Yeshua am here to help you to re-remember, for I use these same tools, these same energies, these same flames and vibrational frequencies to create and manifest at will. That is why many people believe me to be, as they say, the only Son of God, which is not of truth. I was able to access the energy of God’s essence, and so people have seen me or projected me as special, but I am no more special than you. I was literally able to tap into these frequencies to manifest and create at will. That is why I am offering and showing you this today, so you can re-remember, just as I have accessed the gifts that God has given you at your birth. They have been veiled, but today is a time to remember, I remember union. The beautiful energy of the Sacred Balance, Divine Mother/Divine Father held in the frequencies of Grace Elohim, and in this powerful frequency of the power of now, which is the energy of what we call the manifested light that is present for you to access. Yes, it is a frequency of manifested light for you to access, to create that which you desire.
So Dearest Children, begin to open your heart to the wonderous remembrance of the truth that you are a Divine Child of God, and remember as you invoke the flame of resurrection, I am the resurrection and the life. Yes, Dearest One, restoring all the wonderful gifts of your Divine essence. Can you imagine all the wonderful gifts of your Divine essence? Therefore you are not limited, you are not without, and you are able to create at will. There is no mystery, you see, it is just re-remembering. So, Dearest Children, know within your heart that you are the heart of the energy of all that is. You, Dearest Ones, are the heart of the energy of all that is. What do I mean by this? That God has gifted you and created you as the essence of the heart, the vibration of love. The encompassing frequency of love that allows all to grow, all to nurture, all to thrive. Just as you love your newborn baby and you help your child to grow and to thrive. When there is no love a child will not thrive. They call this a failure to thrive baby, because there is no love, there is no nurturance, there is no care. This is literally truth, and this physically exists with young children, and we say to you Dearest Ones, in many ways you are like young children, for you have forgotten to infuse this frequency within you, to nurture yourself, to love yourself so that you can thrive and once again be restored with all the wonderful gifts of your Divine essence. What a beautiful gift that you are remembering today, what a beautiful gift you are receiving today, what a beautiful gift that you are offering to yourself today. I choose to thrive, I choose love, I choose the remembrance of my beautiful, Divine essence.
So Dear Ones, hold the frequency within your heart, that you are worthy to receive, that it is your birthright, and that it is time. You see the sky is not the limit on how you can receive, there is no limit. If you experience lack of any kind in your life, then you are not in the flow of manifested energy, and there lies suffering and pain. Call the resurrection flame to come to your rescue, call in the power of now, and Elohim Grace. Everything shall now begin to fall in order, this is a universal law, this is an aspect of God’s gift to humanity, to live in the abundance of who they truly are. So, Dearest Children of the Light, know as the energy of the resurrection flame becomes more active, as we begin to approach the time of Easter, the time of my resurrection, I am asking you to use these frequencies so that you can begin to manifest at will, and begin to master your fears, and to create what you desire. For you see by the time of the day of my resurrection in April of 2019, on the day of what you may call the day of Easter, all of your lives will change, there will be a resurrection for all of you. This is my promise, this is my covenant onto you, as you work with the resurrection flame, as you work with Divine Grace, as you work with the power of now, calling in these frequencies into your body. So, you see, Dearest Ones, you have called and I have come, I have come to help you now, to resurrect so that you may find peace, happiness and joy within your life, and that there will be abundance in all aspects, for this is what and how you are to live, in the joy and the remembrance of who you truly are. Sununu who is the angel of giving, she continues to give to each of you. You may wish to access her energy and call upon Sununu, to live in the joy, to live in the remembrance. As you search for the God and Goddess within, today Dearest Children of the Light, feel my love, feel my heartbeat, as I connect to each of you with my Sacred Heart, so as you prepare now for the next few weeks, to merge into this frequency with the resurrection flame, with the essence of the God essence, your life will begin to change and miracles shall unfold. One by one by one. Miracles will unfold. I hold you dear to my heart, and I understand that if you use this energy you will be able to benefit by invoking it, and resurrecting that which you so desire. Which is that which I used to resurrect my physical body at the time of my crucifixion, and with the help of my Mary and my Dear Elizabeth and my Mother, and with so many other beings of light, and with God’s Grace, I was able to resurrect my physicality and continue on with my mission.
So, Dearest Children, I offer you this gift today, in preparation for the beautiful gifts that you are now ready to give to the world. Believe in yourself, trust in yourself, know the truth of who you are. Hold this energy as you bring this forth into your life, so know Dearest Children of the Light, the time, the power of now, is here for you to receive. Go now my children as I send the blessed light of unconditional love and grace upon you so that you may feel the presence of the manifestations of God’s grace upon your soul. In this I thank thee.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Awakening Your Channels to Receive Ascension Downloads by Mary Magdalene

Channeled through Natalie Glasson
Beloved ones upon the Earth, I, Mary Magdalene, honour and love you deeply. I am present with you today in service to your ascension and supported by the entire Goddess Community of the Cosmic Level. The presence of the divine feminine and the Divine Mother is intense and in attendance to gift and inspire new awakenings of ascension within your being. My purpose of connecting with you in not only to share my deepest of love, I wish to inspire and guide you in a process of awakening the channels of life force energy within your being, rejuvenating your physical body with light, awakening your ascension body template, and energising your entire body systems and networks. In doing so you open yourself to be receive to the divine and sacred ascension downloads taking grounding with strength and vigour into the Earth’s reality. 
Ascension Energies Downloading Now
  1. The Peace of the Star Beings to promote harmony between Star Being Divine Intelligence and the consciousness of humanity. Thus, creating an awakening of divine intelligence within humanity that allows for many illusions that hinder humanity’s ascension to be detached and released.
  2. Star Alignments for the physical body to promote an upgrade in the health and wellbeing of every physical body upon the Earth, not only humans. This means that the physical body will become more resilient to illness, negativity and harmful toxins on the Earth. In response to this, each person will become more aware of how to support the health and spiritual sensitivity of the physical body. Mother Earth is also receiving this upgrade.
  3. The Ascended Master Elixir of liberation through mastery. The Ascended Masters have accessed the vibrations and frequencies they experienced during their evolution and ascension from the Earth, the moment of being liberated from the cycle of reincarnation and accessing the enlightenment of the Creator. They are downloading these frequencies into many being upon the Earth now, it is known as the Elixir of Liberation and supports souls in recognising the presence of liberation within their beings, distributing this into their realities to accelerate ascension.
  4. Rainbow ArchAngelic Consciousness and Rewriting of the Power of Love within the minds of humanity. This download is an intensity of consciousness, light and love direct from the Archangels expressed as a rainbow light, it is akin to sharing the mind of the Archangels with humanity and will promote a great shift in awareness especially the power of love.
  5. The rewriting of the ascension process as anchored into the minds of humanity, in order to awaken new possibilities, opportunities, and pathways for the ascension of humanity on the Earth. Have you ever considered that your view of ascension and your own ascension is dated compared the light vibrations your entire being current embodies?
Receiving the Ascension Downloads
Your blood carries messages of divine energy and consciousness into the genetic codes of each cell of your being. Your blood nourishes your physical body while also anchoring the blueprint of the Creator, divine intelligence, love, and peace. Therefore, when you open yourself to receive the light of the Creator, whether you invoke a certain light or not, you are replenishing, rejuvenating and regenerating your body and entire being. Thus, through the acceptance of the Creator’s light and the awareness of the ascension energies downloading you are able to automatically awaken the channels of life force energy within your being, awakening your ascension body template, and energising your entire body systems and networks. With a focused intention of that which you wish to experience and embody, the entire process will be magnified and empowered, allowing you to access greater states of self and Creator understandings and expressions.
You are a beacon of light capable of transmitting powerful vibrations of energy and awareness, especially when you allow yourself to be supported by the Creator, the ascension downloads and your understanding of how powerful it is for you to receive the Creator through your being.
Awakening the Channels of Life Force Energy
My purpose, Mary Magdalene, with you in the meditation I wish to share with you now is to awaken the channels of life force energy within your being, rejuvenating your physical body with light, awakening your ascension body template, and energising your entire body systems and networks. This will create the most appropriate openness within your being for you to naturally, automatically and easily receive and benefit from the many ascension downloads anchoring now.
Please cup your hands. Allow me, Mary Magdalene, to pour light into your hands, a liquid light abundant in life force energy of the Creator and codes of perfect health.
Moving your cupped hands to your heart chakra, imagine you tip the liquid light into your heart chakra. The liquid light flow into and through your heart chakra, filling this chakra completely. The liquid light flows through from your heart chakra into your blood. Imagine your bloodstream is filling with the liquid light and life force energy.
Imagine, sense and acknowledge the light flowing through your bloodstream into every cell and genetic code of your cells.
Again, cup your hands and imagine divine blueprint of the Creator as a blue light flowing into your cupped hands. Move your cupped hands to your heart chakra and let the blue light fill your heart chakra. The blue light flows into your bloodstream and into your cells. Feel every part of your being becoming energised.
As a representative of creating a clear circulation or channel of life force energy, I, Mary Magdalene invite you to first inhale, then exhale imagining and following your breath in a spiralling motion down to your feet. Inhale breath in a spiralling motion from your feet to your head. Then as you exhale flow your breath as a tighter spiral flowing down the centre of your being and into your heart chakra. Then inhale without any focus to begin the process again.
I, Mary Magdalene, on your behalf call upon an activation of your ascension template from your soul and from the Creator. May the ascension template of your soul and the Creator marry in your heart, synthesising as one and radiating in all directions. I invite you to breathe into the soles of your feet to request the energy to enter into motion within your being and reality. Once anchored, let I the synthesised light of your soul and Creator ascension template rise throughout the entire body and aura to become a complete aspect of your being.
I, Mary Magdalene, bless you with further volumes of light, feel my light flowing throughout your entire being and into your reality. Remain present with the shifts and transformations taking place within your being now. When you feel ready allow yourself to surrender and receive the ascension energies now downloading into your being, humanity and the Earth. Feel the flow and notice how receptive you are to the ascension energies. Enjoy the anchoring and activating of the ascension energies within your being now.
With sacred love and support,

Mary Magdalene

This a short story about faith

I had given a card reading to a woman named Jessa on a beach house in Roxas City, Philippines, and because of that she made an appointme...